Academics and Student Life
We educate so that our students may know God and the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the highest good. (Philippians 3:7-14)
At The King's Academy, we believe that true education seeks both the education of the mind and the transformation of the heart. Our teaching staff is at the core of this mission. Our teachers are individuals who love God, care deeply about our students, and have the qualifications to teach with excellence. While we do have Bible classes as a part of their regular schedule, students will find Biblical teaching integrated throughout all subject areas.
Our goal is to provide students at every level the opportunities to stretch themselves academically while providing the necessary support to be successful in each class. We hope to begin to create within them a more thorough knowledge of Jesus Christ, a knowledge of our times and what to do about them, and a life-long love of learning so that they may succeed in whatever calling awaits them.
Here is The King's Academy's Indiana School Performance Report. This state report measures elementary progress as well as college and career readiness.
Student Life
Through the means of plays, athletics, student leadership opportunities, clubs, and service trips we strive to give our students an opportunity to grow spiritually, physically and emotionally.
King’s is known for its excellent theatrical performances, its award winning sports teams, and our Servant Safari week when students perform meaningful acts of service here and abroad.