Tuition and Financial Aid

Voucher and Scholarship Information

The King's Academy participates in the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program. This program, commonly referred to as the voucher program, provides scholarships to eligible Indiana students to offset tuition costs at participating schools. Students must satisfy both household income requirements and student eligibility criteria to qualify.  More information can be found on the Indiana Department of Education website
Families may also apply for scholarships through FACTS, our tuition and aid management company. King's works with FACTS and the Institute for Quality Education (an Indiana Scholarship Granting Organization) to assess need and provide scholarships to help with tuition not covered by the Indiana Choice Scholarship Program.
The Institute for Quality Education (IQE) is our Scholarship Granting Organization. The State of Indiana allows individuals and businesses to contribute funds to this scholarship which are tax deductible at a rate of 50%. To learn more about how to give, or how scholarships work in the state of Indiana, visit the IQE FAQ page.

Current Tuition Rates

The King's Academy uses FACTS Management Services to collect all tuition payments. Semi-annual and several monthly options are available. King's also collects fees for sports, clubs, Servant Safari, and other miscellaneous events.

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Indiana Choice

Scholarship Program

Discover why families choose The King's Academy as their Christian school in Grant County, Indiana